July 21, 2016

4 Ways to Get the Most Space out of Your Self Storage Unit

Categories: Storage Tips

storage spaceThe value of having a self storage unit is that a good deal of excess items that you might be inclined to otherwise throw away can instead be stored safely in protected surroundings. Yet making the most effective use of all of the space for your storage unit in Houston is something that presents a challenge for many people.

The reason is that they sometimes misjudge just how much material they have or their method for packing simply isn’t efficient. In order to avoid such concerns down the road, listed below are four easy ways in which to make sure that every item necessary ends up finding a spot in your self storage unit.

Dismantling or Disassembling Items

Some of the items that end up in a storage unit in Houston can be furniture or items that were assembled when they first arrived in your residence. Removing things like table legs and bed posts help eliminate a situation in which those legs propping up the particular item can be stored more conveniently.

Since some of these things may have been held together by bolts or screws, make sure to remove them in order and place them either inside in a marked bag in the unit or at your residence. Later, when it’s removed and put back together, the re-assembly will be an easy chore.

Proper Placement

Flat, heavy and tall items should be placed along the back walls of the unit. This saves not only space but can also protect them from tipping over. However, there should be some air space in between the wall and the back of the item.

Another important thing to remember is that in the case of some heavy options like couches, these should not be placed sideways in order to save room. While that may accomplish that task, it will put an excess amount stress on the furniture, potentially causing damage to it.

Boxing Things Up the Right Way

Since many odds and ends may be included in your storage unit in Houston, it makes sense to use as many similarly-sized boxes to handle this job. This avoids trying to find a perfect fit for awkwardly-shaped boxes and helps provide a more balanced approach that won’t leave empty spots.

These boxes should be as completely filled as possible, with items like old newspapers to fill in empty spots. However, they should not be overfilled. Finally, storing the heaviest boxes at the bottom helps avoid lighter boxes from conceivably being crushed.

Packing Things Tightly

While this seems like an obvious consideration, this often ends up being ignored when plotting out exactly what should be stored where in the unit. Items like dresser drawers, refrigerators and even pockets on clothes (for small items) can be put to maximum use under this method, helping store many lots that aren’t necessarily needed.

In these types of situations, each drawer or spot within an appliance is something that can serve as a temporary option. The different appliances can also include items like dishwashers, microwaves, washers or dryers. None of these are being used and when they’re eventually removed, a quick cleaning or wiping will handle any collected residue.

Value Through Planning

Whenever the need to rent a self storage unit arises at some point in the future, the most sensible thing to do is to make sure that an inventory is first taken of all the items that will be placed in the unit. That prevents any wondering later on if something can’t be immediately found at home.

In addition, either before or during the course of moving into the unit, it makes sense to sketch a map to show exactly where items are located. That helps make any subsequent trip to the unit a quick one when searching for a particular item. Contact A-AAA Storage today.